Process & Pricing
The cost of your new license plates is a new plate fee of $72.40, which includes your annual registration fee ($25.00 of this fee will go directly to the Foundation). You do not need to be a resident of Indian River County to submit your order.
order form
$10,635,942 in conservation efforts
49 species in our state
to 248 projects to conserve Florida’s wildlife
Under F.S. 668.6076, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public- records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact us by phone or in writing.

Remember when you wore your heart not only on your sleeve, but on your rear bumper? And trunk? And rear window? Those days may be over, but...
Your car can still help save the planet.
Just purchase one of the Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida’s conservation license plates online below or at your local tax collector’s office. For every plate sold, $25 is donated for conservation.
Each of our plates has a slightly different focus. Choose the one that best meets your passions. It’s not a small thing – we receive more than $1 million each year from these donations, funds that we and our partners use to conserve Florida black bears, wading birds, and many other species. We also use these monies to protect and manage new wildlife lands and waters and provide kids with formative outdoor experiences.
So, the next time you renew or order a plate at your local tax collector’s office, make it one of ours — even if you no longer drive a Beetle.
Proceeds from the “bear” plate benefit a wide variety of species, from black bears and indigo snakes to endangered Florida grasshopper sparrows.
The Foundation distributes CWT funds to FWC in the form of grants. By statute, we can only give Conserve Wildlife tag proceeds to FWC. It is possible for entities outside FWC to receive tag funds, but only as a sub-recipient in projects where FWC is the grantee. A call for proposals is held each January. FWC applicants must have approval from their section leader prior to completing a proposal.
New Trailer-mounted Bear Traps | 2024 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $72,000 |
Octocoral Restoration Trials on Nearshore Hardbottom Communities | 2024 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $38,590 |
Improving Information Accessibility for Florida Residents and Visitors to the Great Florida Birding and Wildlife Trail | 2024 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $37,200 |
Wildlife Warriors: Educating Youth and Families to Conserve Our Lands and Animals | 2024 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $22,408 |
Determination of Freshwater Mussel Host Use Through Genetic Barcoding of Juvenile Mussels Metamorphosed on Naturally Infested Fishes | 2024 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $25,000 |
Dragonfly Telemetry: Radio-tracking the Imperiled Say’s Spiketail Dragonfly to Inform Conservation in Florida | 2024 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $16,558 |
Growing Up Wild Guides and Materials | 2024 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $5,500 |
Expanding Capacity for Southeastern American Kestrel Nest Box Assessment, Inventory, and Management | 2024 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $8,016 |
A State-wide Survey of Southeastern Pocket Gophers Through Remote Sensing | 2024 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $7,313 |
Incorporating a Broad Disease Assessment to a Planned Upland Snake Survey At Tall Timbers | 2024 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $15,000 |
A Novel Methodology for a Novel Virus: Using Erna to Detect Turtle Fraservirus (TFV-1) | 2024 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $40,000 |
Cache of Land Management Tools for Private Land Owners | 2024 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $50,000 |
Utilizing Scout Snakes As a Control Tool for Burmese Pythons Within the Picayune Strand State Forest | 2024 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $120,000 |
Offering Local Governments in Rural Areas with Bear-resistant Options to Reduce Human-bear Conflicts | 2024 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $40,000 |
Updating the Florida Unified Reef Map in the Lower Florida Keys, the Marquesas, and the Dry Tortugas | 2023 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $31,452 |
Genetic Analysis of Hair Samples From the Highlands/glades Bear Subpopulation | 2023 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $20,000 |
Creating Ark Sites for Black Creek Crayfish | 2023 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $170,950 |
Supporting Skyway Fishing Pier Anglers with Entangled Seabird Rescue Information and Equipment That Will Reduce Harm and Injury to Brown Pelicans | 2023 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $20,635 |
Keystone Wildflowers for Pollinator Habitat Conservation in Longleaf Pine Sandhills: Phase III of the Sandhill Plant-pollinator Network Project | 2023 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $51,086 |
Evaluating the Ecological Role of Solution Holes in Changing Florida Keys Hardbottom Habitats | 2023 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $16,576 |
Incision Recovery Rate of Grey Snapper (lutjanus griseus) From Internal Acoustic Tag Implantation | 2023 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $8,729 |
A Drainage-wide Population Assessment and the Identification of Critical Nesting Habitats of the Suwannee Alligator Snapping Turtle (macrochelys suwanniensis) in Florida | 2023 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $60,571 |
Support for Captive Breeding of Endangered Florida Grasshopper Sparrows | 2022 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $63,354 |
Expand Social Media Bear Outreach Efforts | 2022 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $25,000 |
Investigating Potential Bacterial Reservoirs and Environmental Conditions Contributing to a Large Multi-year Mortality Event of State-threatened Black Skimmer Juveniles in Southwest Florida | 2022 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $33,200 |
Implementation of the Landscape Conservation Strategic Initiative Through Internal and External Engagement | 2022 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $94,500 |
Crab Trap Bycatch Reduction Device Program | 2022 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $36,175 |
Movements and Habitat Use By American Crocodiles Found in Urbanized Landscapes | 2022 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $41,614 |
Demographics of the Black Bear Subpopulation in Southwest Florida | 2022 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $13,000 |
Monitor Prevalence of Illegal Shooting of Bears | 2022 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $6,310 |
Monitor Research Bears Over Time | 2022 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $9,750 |
Support for Captive Breeding of Endangered Florida Grasshopper Sparrows | 2021 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $80,725 |
Assessment of the Epidemiology of a Neuromuscular Disorder Impacting Bobcats and the Endangered Florida Panther – Phase 2 | 2021 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $46,000 |
Diamondback Terrapin Bycatch in Blue Crab Traps and Impacts of Bycatch Reduction Devices on Commercial Landings of Marketable Crabs | 2021 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $103,752 |
Modify Dumpsters to Be Bear-resistant | 2021 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $60,000 |
Continued Monitoring of Turtle Bunyavirus and Refinement of Tissue Submission Guidelines for Diagnostic Validity – Phase 2. | 2021 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $25,000 |
Scaring Bears Out of Communities | 2021 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $27,744 |
Understanding Effectiveness of Economical On-site Conservation Options for Protected Species, and Mutual Benefits for Residents of Florida | 2021 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $25,000 |
Continued Research on Mussel Propagation Techniques and Stocking Native Mussels to Restore Populations in Lake Trafford and Improve Water Quality | 2021 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $65,960 |
Coral Reef Restoration Enhancement Using a Potential Corallivore Predator the Spotted Spiny Lobster, Panulirus Guttatus | 2021 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $37,358 |
Training FWC Personnel to Subdue Wildlife and Scare Bears Using Tasers | 2020 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $27,750 |
Assessment of the Epidemiology of a Neuromuscular Disorder Impacting Bobcats and the Endangered Florida Panther | 2020 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $150,000 |
Support for Captive Breeding of Endangered Florida Grasshopper Sparrows | 2020 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $140,000 |
Effects of Outreach Messages on Landowner Attitudes, Perceptions, and Behaviors Related to Florida's WMA's | 2020 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $31,350 |
Mussel Community and Water Quality Restoration in Lake Trafford | 2020 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $65,000 |
Apalachicola Regional Stewardship Alliance, Wetland Ecosystem Support Team | 2020 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $25,000 |
Implementing Predation Management for the Protection of Imperiled Beach Nesting Birds in Northeast Florida | 2020 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $41,692 |
Great Florida Birding and Wildlife Trail - Guide Development and Distribution | 2020 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $19,500 |
Investigating Potential Tropicalization of Fishes and Their Cleaning Stations Found Along Hardbottom Ledges of the West Florida | 2020 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $28,483 |
Adult Movement, Pupae Fire Survival, and Caterpillar Identification of the Frosted Elfin (callophrys irus) Butterfly | 2020 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $6,510 |
Cameras for Remote Monitoring of Bear Traps | 2019 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $16,350 |
Growing Up Wild Curriculum Guides | 2019 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $10,000 |
Assessing Sponge Outplant Design to Refine Sponge Restoration Efforts in Florida Bay | 2019 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $33,859 |
Support for Captive Breeding of Endangered Florida Grasshopper Sparrows | 2019 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $82,978 |
Freshwater Turtle Disease Surveillance: Investigating a Softshell Turtle Mortality Event Caused By a Novel Virus | 2019 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $30,000 |
Assessing the Spatial Components of Pollinator and Arthropod Habitat Using the Gatoreye Unmanned Flying Laboratory | 2019 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $30,860 |
Captive Propagation and Repatriation of the Striped Newt | 2019 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $36,062 |
Implementing Predation Management for the Protection of Imperiled Beach Nesting Birds in Northeast Florida | 2019 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $45,517 |
A Benthic and Fish Community Assessment of West Florida Shelf Ledge Ecosystems, Including Harmful Algal Bloom Impacts | 2019 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $60,000 |
Enhancement and Coordination of the Sentinel Snake Protocol As a Localized Control Tool for Burmese Pythons in Southwestern Florida | 2019 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $65,000 |
Growing Up Wild Curriculum Guides | 2018 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $5,000 |
Bear Cub Rehabilitation Enclosure | 2018 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $20,000 |
Headstarting of Frosted Flatwoods Salamanders | 2018 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $46,729 |
Arthropod Community Monitoring and Plant-pollinator Network Mapping in Fire-maintained Sandhills | 2018 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $25,771 |
Documenting Occurrence of the Coastal Dunes Crowned Snake (tantilla relicta pamlica) on Public Lands | 2018 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $28,800 |
Assessing the Home Range of the Long-spined Sea Urchin (diadema antillarum) | 2018 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $4,300 |
Bear Trap Improvements and Inflatable Landing Pads | 2018 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $25,782 |
Enhanced Monitoring for Imperiled Freshwater Mussels of Florida | 2018 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $15,000 |
Backyards and Beyond, Phase 1 | 2018 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $16,000 |
Movements and Survivorship of Translocated Nuisance American Crocodiles | 2018 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $33,000 |
Using Echo-sounder Buoys As Sampling Platforms for Fish Spawning Aggregations: a Pilot Study | 2018 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $70,500 |
Assessing Benthic Recovery 10 Years After the 2005 Harmful Algal Bloom on the West Florida Shelf | 2018 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $58,899 |
Survey of Crypto Serpentis in Wild Snakes and Reintroduction of the Eastern Indigo Snake At Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve | 2018 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $37,943 |
Incentives for Local Governments to Reduce Human/bear Conflicts | 2017 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $100,000 |
National Initiative to Understand and Connect Americans and Nature | 2017 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $15,000 |
Critical Wildlife Enhancement | 2017 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $225,000 |
Orphan Bear Cub Rehab Enclosure | 2017 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $5,000 |
Bear Demographics in Apalachicola Bear Management Unit Year 1 | 2016 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $50,000 |
Local Government Incentives to Reduce Human-bear Conflict | 2016 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $327,147 |
Journey of the Whooping Crane | 2016 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $50,000 |
Avian and Terrestrial Wildlife Disease Surveillance and Response Program - CWD & Avian Influenza Veterinarian | 2016 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $64,500 |
Southeastern At-risk Species Program (SEARS) | 2016 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $50,000 |
Reintroduction of Eastern Indigo Snakes to the Florida Panhandle | 2016 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $38,353 |
Florida Residents' Attitudes Towards Bear Management in the State | 2016 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $45,000 |
Avian and Terrestrial Wildlife Disease Surveillance and Response Program | 2015 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $64,500 |
Incentives to Increase Bear-resistant Equipment Availability | 2015 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $80,000 |
Understanding and Connecting Americans with Nature (UCAN) Phase 3 | 2015 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $100,000 |
Southeastern At-risk Species Program (SEARS) | 2015 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $50,000 |
Genetic Assessment of Striped Newt Populations in Florida | 2015 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $10,320 |
Health and Genetic Structure of Florida's American Eels | 2015 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $8,500 |
2016 Python Challenge | 2015 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $78,000 |
Northern African Python Eradication | 2015 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $63,000 |
Argentine Black and White Tegu Control and Management | 2015 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $16,000 |
Volunteer Stewardship Program (VSP) | 2014 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $50,000 |
Stakeholder Surveys 101: How to Design, Execute & Interpret Credible Surveys of Stakeholder Opinions, Attitudes, Motivations, & Behaviors | 2014 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $19,925 |
Florida Grasshopper Sparrow Management on Private Ranch Lands | 2014 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $96,980 |
Avian and Terrestrial Wildlife Disease Surveillance and Response Program | 2014 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $60,500 |
Secrets of the Longleaf Pine Documentary | 2014 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $12,500 |
Incentives to Reduce Human/bear Conflicts | 2014 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $60,000 |
Refining the Fwc Beach-nesting Bird Protocol for Threatened Ground Nesting Seabirds | 2014 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $37,970 |
Everglades Invasive Reptile and Amphibian Monitoring Program | 2014 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $75,000 |
Fish and Wildlife Reporting App: Fish Disease and Mortality Events | 2014 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $35,614 |
Passive Integrated Transponder tag Readers for Florida Bonneted Bat (eumops floridanus) Houses At Babcock-webb Wildlife Management Area | 2014 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $500 |
Examining the Efficacy of Corallivorous Snail Removal As a Method to Promote Coral Health in the Threatened Species Acropora Palmatta | 2014 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $17,314 |
Public/private Partnership- Lake Wales Ridge WEA | 2014 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $3,000 |
Genetic Repository for Fish Conservation/biodiversity Research | 2014 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $12,833 |
Understand and Connect Americans and Nature – Phase II | 2014 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $30,000 |
Central Florida Zoo | 2014 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $95,000 |
Everglades Youth Conservation Center Rennovation | 2014 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $300,000 |
Effective Management of Lionfish in the FL Keys | 2013 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $43,600 |
UTV & Spray Tanki - Exotics Control on Three Lakes WMA | 2013 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $13,000 |
Volunteer Stewardship Program | 2013 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $40,000 |
Impact of Hydrilla on the Littoral Zone | 2013 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $28,026 |
Bear Response Program | 2013 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $75,000 |
Centralized Call Database | 2013 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $30,000 |
Bear Abundance in the Ocala National Forest | 2013 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $32,350 |
Florida's Coyotes, a Comprehensive Model of Management | 2013 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $35,447 |
Florida Wildlife Corridor Expedition | 2013 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $60,000 |
Python Patrol | 2013 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $28,320 |
Avian and Terrestrial Wildlife Disease Surveillance & Response | 2013 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $50,000 |
Stakeholder Engagement (ISMP and Sea Level Rise) | 2013 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $12,238 |
Lake Eustis Pupfish Evaluation | 2013 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $20,843 |
Exotic Animal Risk Assessments | 2013 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $25,000 |
Everglades Exotic Animal Monitoring | 2013 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $50,000 |
Gambian Pouched Rat Eradication on Grassy Key | 2013 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $50,000 |
Bear Range and Population Abundance of Black Bears in South Central Florida: Year 3 | 2012 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $40,000 |
Bear Response Program | 2012 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $40,000 |
Public-private Cooperative to Increase Bear-proof Garbage Can Availability | 2012 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $35,000 |
A Regional Program to Address Wildlife Problems and Wildlife Health Concerns | 2012 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $97,500 |
Getting Better Information to the Public to Reduce Coyote Problems | 2012 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $9,756 |
Planting a Refuge for Wildlife | 2012 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $33,000 |
Prevalence and Distribution of Baylisascaris Procyonis in Florida | 2012 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $29,000 |
Investigations Into the Interaction Between Terrapins and Crab Traps | 2012 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $75,000 |
Assessing the Use of Artificial Structures to Enhance the Survival Rates of Long-spined Sea Urchins on the Reef Tract of the Florida Keys | 2012 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $10,000 |
Assessment of Non-native Wildlife in South Florida | 2012 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $36,540 |
Community Bat House on Three Lakes WMA | 2012 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $2,300 |
Shorebird Monitoring Data Management | 2012 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $42,000 |
A Boating and Angling Guide to Coastal Volusia County | 2012 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $5,500 |
Patterns of Benthic Herbivore Biodiversity on Florida Coral Reefs | 2012 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $10,470 |
Impacts of Aquatic Habitat Management Activities on the Rare Round Tailed Muskrat | 2012 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $54,400 |
Florida Bird Conservation Initiative / Imperiled Species Management Plan Biologist | 2012 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $75,542 |
A National Initiative to Understand and Connect Americans with Nature (UCAN) | 2012 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $135,000 |
A Regional Approach to Responding to Wildlife Issues and Concerns of the Public | 2011 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $107,000 |
Bear Range and Population Abundance of Black Bears in South Central Florida - Year 2 | 2011 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $40,000 |
Florida Landscape Conservation Cooperative | 2011 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $65,000 |
Population Status and Distribution of the Alligator Snapping Turtle in the Suwannee River, Florida | 2011 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $39,095 |
Bear Response Agent Program | 2011 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $40,000 |
Bear Smart Community Jumpstart Program | 2011 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $30,000 |
Preventing Extinction of the Miami Blue Butterfly Through Reintroduction, Research and Captive Breeding | 2011 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $31,743 |
Management Process for Improving Conservation of Imperiles Species | 2011 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $80,000 |
Developing a Strategy for Coral Reef Restoration in Florida | 2011 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $39,000 |
Bat Species Inventory on Three Lakes WMA | 2011 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $3,000 |
Boating and Angling Guide to Bay County | 2011 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $5,500 |
Access to Photo Library | 2011 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $15,000 |
Outboard Motor for Research Vessel | 2011 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $16,000 |
Bear Response Agent Program | 2010 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $40,000 |
Bear Range and Population Abundance of Black Bears in South Central Florida | 2010 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $40,000 |
Coastal Wildlife Conservation Initiative | 2010 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $70,000 |
Imperiled Species Conservation | 2010 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $90,000 |
The Cooperative Conservation Blueprint for Florida (Phase II) | 2009 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $59,000 |
Regional Species Conservation in Florida | 2009 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $200,000 |
Partnering with Private Landowners to Recover Florida's Red-cockaded Woodpecker Through Safe Harbor | 2009 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $50,000 |
Accessing the Wealth of Data Buried in FWRI's Biological Specimen Collection | 2009 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $15,000 |
Bear Response Agent Program | 2009 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $23,000 |
Digital Conversion of Image Library | 2009 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $3,000 |
One Year Continuation of Two Nongame Wildlife Grants | 2008 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $47,834 |
Bring Back the Red-cockaded Woodpecker Through FWC's Safe Harbour Program | 2008 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $50,000 |
Nongame Wildlife Conservation Throughout Florida | 2008 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $160,000 |
Assess Internet Traffic of Regulated Fish and Wildlife | 2008 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $37,500 |
Community-based Approach for Human-bear Coexistence | 2008 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $45,000 |
Microsatellite Analysis of Genetic Variation in Panhandle Gopher Tortoise | 2008 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $12,700 |
Northwest Coastal Bear Festival | 2008 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $5,000 |
Cooperative Conservation Blueprint for Florida | 2007 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $100,000 |
Hawks Channel Coral Ecosystem Mapping | 2007 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $50,000 |
Mapping Threats to Florida Freshwater Habitats | 2007 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $54,893 |
Avian Survey of Sandhill Habitat in Florida | 2007 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $57,842 |
Community Bear Restraint Container Program | 2007 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $61,000 |
Restoration, Monitoring and Management of Boat Propeller Scars in St. Andrew Bay, Florida | 2007 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $18,072 |
Florida's Wildlife Legacy Initiative Partner's Meetings | 2007 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $4,500 |
Assessment, Survival and Growth of Boulder Star Coral in the Florida Keys | 2007 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $8,500 |
Gambian Rat Pilot Eradication Project | 2006 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $20,000 |
Population Dynamics, Demography and Movements of the Endangered Snail Kite | 2006 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $29,095 |
Arcims Programmer to Deliver Web-based Gis Services Via the Internet (Year 2) | 2006 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $52,000 |
Florida Black Bear Distribution in the Big Bend Region | 2006 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $30,000 |
Development of a Manatee Genetics Tag and Field Sampling Methodology | 2006 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $57,200 |
Exotic Species Awareness Project | 2006 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $57,924 |
Florida Black Bear: Aversive Conditioning Program Development and Training | 2006 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $44,000 |
Law Enforcement Reserve Officer Program Start-up Funds | 2006 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $5,000 |
Northern Right Whales in Florida an Online Field Trip | 2006 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $3,000 |
Digital Conversion of Video Library | 2006 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $5,000 |
Impacts of Florida Manatee Foraging on Seagrass Communities Around a Winter Warm-water Refuge | 2005 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $62,000 |
Largemouth Bass Genetics Assessment | 2005 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $2,400 |
Burrowing Owl Conservation and Management | 2005 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $29,000 |
Pet Amnesty Program | 2005 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $20,000 |
Conservation and Protection of Marine Aquatic Habitat At St. Lucie Inlet Reserve State Park Coral Reed, Martin County | 2005 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $34,000 |
Population Dynamics, Demography and Movements of the Endangered Snail Kite | 2005 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $29,095 |
Captive Propagation and Reintroduction of the State Endangered Miami Blue Butterfly | 2005 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $42,000 |
Florida Black Bear Continuation and Expansion of the Bear Response Agent Program | 2005 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $30,000 |
Florida Black Bear Support to Conduct a Black Bear Management Survey of the General Public | 2005 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $25,000 |
Response of Native and Exotic Apple Snails to Lake Habitat Management | 2005 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $38,450 |
Evaluation of Web Cam Technology for Compliance Monitoring | 2005 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $31,200 |
Radio Telemetry and Mark-recapture Studies of Demography, Movement, and Population Dynamics of the Endangered Snail Kite | 2004 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $29,095 |
Florida Black Bear: Statewide Management and Conservation (Bear Response Agent Program) | 2004 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $40,000 |
Evaluating Wetland Management Techniques for Controlling Para Grass | 2004 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $15,000 |
Florida Mottled Duck Population Monitoring | 2004 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $38,000 |
Avian Stewardship, Outreach, and Partnering | 2004 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $13,500 |
Florida Manatee - A Florida Treasure: Education and Boater Relations | 2004 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $6,200 |
Inventory of FWC Data: a Prerequisite to Agency-wide Data Integration | 2004 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $55,200 |
Arcims Programmer | 2004 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $52,000 |
Florida Black Bear Habitat Modeling for Closing the Gaps Update | 2004 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $9,926 |
Database Management Technical Support for Fwc Divisions and Offices | 2004 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $45,213 |
GIS Mapping Support for FWC Employees | 2004 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $37,733 |
Florida Manatee Foraging Behavior Around a Winter Warm-water Refuge | 2004 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $27,000 |
Apple Snail Habitat Associations on Central Florida Lakes | 2003 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $33,886 |
Exotic Freshwater Fish Poster | 2003 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $10,000 |
Suwannee Bass Genetics and Virus Study | 2003 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $10,000 |
Inventory & Mapping of Plant Communities Including Listed Species on State-managed Conservation Lands | 2003 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $50,633 |
Florida Black Bear Conservation and Management | 2003 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $101,000 |
Economic Ramifications of Altering the Farm Landscape to Benefit Bobwhite Quail | 2003 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $35,800 |
Evaluating Wetland Management Techniques for Controlling Para Grass | 2003 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $17,500 |
Mottled Duck Hybridization Marketing and Public Relations | 2003 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $30,000 |
Role of Eggshell Integrity on Alligator Egg Viability in Florida | 2003 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $24,000 |
FL Mottled Duck Population Monitoring | 2003 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $11,000 |
Be Bear Aware Campaign | 2003 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $25,000 |
Development of Proposals to Acquire Land for Fish and Wildlife | 2003 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $41,500 |
Perdido Key Beach Mouse | 2003 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $65,000 |
Evaluating Wetland Management Techniques for Controlling Para Grass | 2003 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $20,000 |
Analysis of Alligator Diets & Role of Gizzard Shad in Alligator Mortality/Lake Griffin | 2002 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $25,800 |
Florida Black Bear Conservation and Management | 2002 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $88,500 |
Florida Mottled Duck Hybridization Genetics | 2002 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $6,000 |
Mottled Duck Hybridization Marketing and Public Relations | 2002 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $6,250 |
Impact of Largemouth Bass Iridovirus on Florida Bass Populations | 2002 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $35,500 |
Largemouth Bass Genetics Assessment | 2002 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $24,000 |
Habitat Enhancement Effects on Applesnail Abundance | 2002 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $21,777 |
Joe Budd Aquatic Education Center Enhancement | 2002 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $28,700 |
Big Catch Certificates | 2002 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $20,000 |
Aquatic Resources and Sportfishing Education Program Enhancements | 2002 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $9,000 |
Digitize Slide Library/index Slides and Video Tapes | 2002 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $13,000 |
Florida Black Bear Education Project/seminole Count6y | 2002 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $35,530 |
Conservation and Restoration of Queen Conch in South Florida | 2002 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $3,025 |
Surveillance and Monitoring for Chronic Wasting Disease | 2002 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $52,000 |
Increase Florida Wildlife Magazine Circulation | 2001 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $29,151 |
Florida Black Bear Population Monitoring and Nuisance Response | 2001 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $125,000 |
Virus Screening/alligator Mortality/Lake Griffin | 2001 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $19,400 |
Evaluation of Flood Pulse Effect on Fish Populations in Florida's Lakes and Low Gradient Streams | 2001 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $58,000 |
Florida Wildlife Habitat (LANDSAT) Map | 2001 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $36,000 |
Purchase Computer - Florida Wildlife Magazine | 2000 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $5,005 |
Florida Black Bear Population Monitoring and Nuisance Response | 2000 | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | $100,000 |
New Trailer-mounted Bear Traps
This award provided funding for up to eight bear traps that can be mounted on trailers to allow for easier bear transport. These traps are strategically located across the state for the safe capture of bears.
Octocoral Restoration Trials on Nearshore Hardbottom Communities
Widespread death of soft corals (octocorals) in Florida Keys’ nearshore hardbottom communities highlighted the urgency of restoration efforts. This project assessed the viability of three outplanting methods and monitored the survival and growth of various species post-outplanting.
Improving Information Accessibility for Florida Residents and Visitors to the Great Florida Birding and Wildlife Trail
This grant funded the modernization of FWC’s Great Florida Birding and Wildlife Trail website, a key resource for wildlife enthusiasts.
Wildlife Warriors: Educating Youth and Families to Conserve Our Lands and Animals
The Florida Youth Conservation Centers Network (FYCCN) aims to educate youth about conservation and wildlife cohabitation. Through this project, educational kits were developed statewide, focusing on Florida species like bats, black bears, and panthers. These kits raise awareness about habitat loss and human-wildlife interaction while promoting stewardship behaviors.
Determination of Freshwater Mussel Host Use Through Genetic Barcoding of Juvenile Mussels Metamorphosed on Naturally Infested Fishes
Freshwater mussels rely on fish hosts for their lifecycle, but many species lack known host fish, posing challenges for their conservation. This project identified host fish for Florida mussel species through genetic analyses, enhancing conservation efforts.
Dragonfly Telemetry: Radio-tracking the Imperiled Say’s Spiketail Dragonfly to Inform Conservation in Florida
The Say’s Spiketail dragonfly, found in specific habitats in northern Florida and southeastern Georgia, faces threats from habitat loss. This project studied the adult dragonflies’ habitat use, providing valuable data for conservation efforts in the region.
Growing Up Wild Guides and Materials
This grant supported the certification of 200 educators as Growing Up WILD educators. Growing Up WILD is an early childhood education program designed to foster children’s curiosity about nature and encourage the exploration of wildlife and the environment.
Expanding Capacity for Southeastern American Kestrel Nest Box Assessment, Inventory, and Management
This grant funded an intern to examine the management of state-designated Threatened southeastern American kestrel (kestrel) nest boxes. Responsibilities included monitoring and maintenance, assessing placement and microhabitat suitability, and incorporating findings into future planning.
A State-wide Survey of Southeastern Pocket Gophers Through Remote Sensing
This grant funded a student internship to review satellite imagery for the southeastern pocket gopher in Florida. The gophers play a crucial role as an ecosystem engineer in longleaf pine forests, which have significantly declined in the southeastern US.
Incorporating a Broad Disease Assessment to a Planned Upland Snake Survey At Tall Timbers
The study improved the understanding of snake diseases in south Florida by adding disease monitoring to an existing project. This helped track new diseases in native snake populations.
A Novel Methodology for a Novel Virus: Using Erna to Detect Turtle Fraservirus (TFV-1)
Since 2018, the turtle fraservirus caused widespread sickness and death in turtles across Florida. This project used environmental RNA methods to study the virus’s spread by collecting water samples from places where turtles died and from rehab centers.
Cache of Land Management Tools for Private Land Owners
This grant helped private landowners manage their land for wildlife conservation. Funds were used to buy hog traps, herbicides, spraying equipment, and storage supplies.
Utilizing Scout Snakes As a Control Tool for Burmese Pythons Within the Picayune Strand State Forest
The Conservancy of Southwest Florida has led a collaborative program targeting Burmese pythons in western Collier County since 2013. By tracking adult male pythons, known as “scout snakes,” researchers have identified previously hidden females. With over 30,000 pounds of adult pythons already removed, this project expanded scout snake efforts within the Picayune Strand State Forest.
Offering Local Governments in Rural Areas with Bear-resistant Options to Reduce Human-bear Conflicts
For over a decade, FWC has worked to reduce human-bear conflicts by helping secure trash. They used this grant to expand support to rural counties to implement bear-resistant trash solutions.
Updating the Florida Unified Reef Map in the Lower Florida Keys, the Marquesas, and the Dry Tortugas
The Florida Unified Reef Map, last updated in 2017, provided a comprehensive view of Florida’s Coral Reef. This grant funded an update to support conservation and management efforts.
Genetic Analysis of Hair Samples From the Highlands/glades Bear Subpopulation
This project funded a study to update the bear population and genetic diversity in Florida. Bear hair samples from the Highlands/Glades subpopulation were analyzed to estimate population size.
Creating Ark Sites for Black Creek Crayfish
This project created barriers to protect the Black Creek crayfish from the invasive white-tubercled crayfish by combining trapping and barrier strategies at Camp Blanding Joint Training Center.
Supporting Skyway Fishing Pier Anglers with Entangled Seabird Rescue Information and Equipment That Will Reduce Harm and Injury to Brown Pelicans
The grant provided tools and materials at Skyway Fishing Pier to help visitors safely rescue entangled seabirds, aiming to reduce seabird entanglements and protect the local pelican population.
Keystone Wildflowers for Pollinator Habitat Conservation in Longleaf Pine Sandhills: Phase III of the Sandhill Plant-pollinator Network Project
This project identified important wildflower species in sandhill habitats to support pollinator networks and offered a plan for restoring these plants.
Evaluating the Ecological Role of Solution Holes in Changing Florida Keys Hardbottom Habitats
The study assessed ecological changes in Florida Keys habitats over the past 20 years due to disturbances like hurricanes and fishing. Researchers used long-term cameras to determine if habitat restoration is needed.
Incision Recovery Rate of Grey Snapper (lutjanus griseus) From Internal Acoustic Tag Implantation
This project assessed the impact of tagging on gray snapper in the Florida Keys. Researchers examined effects on fish health and growth to improve marine studies and fisheries management.
A Drainage-wide Population Assessment and the Identification of Critical Nesting Habitats of the Suwannee Alligator Snapping Turtle (macrochelys suwanniensis) in Florida
Scientists gathered data on the Suwannee alligator snapping turtle in the Santa Fe and Withlacoochee Rivers. The study helped understand population size, survival rates, nesting data, and hook ingestion rates.
Support for Captive Breeding of Endangered Florida Grasshopper Sparrows
Despite extensive efforts, Florida grasshopper sparrow populations declined due to habitat loss and low reproductive success. This grant supported a breeding program to stabilize and grow the wild population.
Expand Social Media Bear Outreach Efforts
A partnership created 10 social media videos to teach people how to prevent bear conflicts. The videos aimed to provide consistent information on avoiding bear encounters.
Investigating Potential Bacterial Reservoirs and Environmental Conditions Contributing to a Large Multi-year Mortality Event of State-threatened Black Skimmer Juveniles in Southwest Florida
The black skimmer, a threatened seabird in Florida, faced high mortality from bacterial infections. The study identified the pathogen and recommended managing sandspurs at breeding sites to reduce infection risks.
Implementation of the Landscape Conservation Strategic Initiative Through Internal and External Engagement
The Landscape Conservation Strategic Initiative made progress in engaging conservation staff and the broader community in landscape-level efforts, focusing on “Connect Collaborate Conserve” with this grant.
Crab Trap Bycatch Reduction Device Program
To prevent diamondback terrapins from drowning in crab traps, FWC provided over 33,000 bycatch reduction devices to fishermen thanks to this grant.
Movements and Habitat Use By American Crocodiles Found in Urbanized Landscapes
This research focused on crocodile movements in urban areas of the Florida Keys, assessing the impact of human activities and road crossings. The data informed land management strategies for safe coexistence.
Demographics of the Black Bear Subpopulation in Southwest Florida
This grant supported data collection on bear populations in the Highlands/Glades subpopulation, helping estimate population size and density.
Monitor Prevalence of Illegal Shooting of Bears
FWC scanned black bears for gunshot wounds using metal detectors. The project aimed to increase scanning rates and raise public awareness to deter harmful activities.
Monitor Research Bears Over Time
Bears tagged with Passive Integrated Transponder tags were scanned to identify previously handled bears, aiding in management and research efforts.
Support for Captive Breeding of Endangered Florida Grasshopper Sparrows
The Florida grasshopper sparrow breeding program released 245 captive-reared birds, expanding efforts to a second location and demonstrating successful breeding and survival thanks to this grant.
Assessment of the Epidemiology of a Neuromuscular Disorder Impacting Bobcats and the Endangered Florida Panther – Phase 2
From 2020 to 2023, the study monitored the prevalence of feline leukomyelopathy in Florida panthers and bobcats, using genetic analyses and camera surveillance to understand its impact.
Diamondback Terrapin Bycatch in Blue Crab Traps and Impacts of Bycatch Reduction Devices on Commercial Landings of Marketable Crabs
Researchers assessed fishing gear distribution in the Terrapin Bycatch Reduction Zone, visiting fish houses and testing bycatch reduction devices to protect terrapins while preserving crab catches.
Modify Dumpsters to Be Bear-resistant
16 counties with high human-bear conflicts received assistance, including bear-resistant containers for parks, schools, and communities, with this grant funding. We provided a total of 57 bear-resistant containers, benefiting six parks, two schools, two forests, and one community across seven counties.
Continued Monitoring of Turtle Bunyavirus and Refinement of Tissue Submission Guidelines for Diagnostic Validity – Phase 2.
A novel virus, turtle fraservirus, detected during a 2018 turtle mortality event, was studied through enhanced outreach and response efforts. Fresh carcasses had the highest positive test rates.
Scaring Bears Out of Communities
FWC officers received shotguns with orange stocks and bean bag rounds to safely deter bears from residential areas, enhancing public safety.
Understanding Effectiveness of Economical On-site Conservation Options for Protected Species, and Mutual Benefits for Residents of Florida
Surveys of burrowing owl and gopher tortoise permit sites revealed compliance issues. Outreach materials and recommendations for permit conditions were developed to improve compliance.
Continued Research on Mussel Propagation Techniques and Stocking Native Mussels to Restore Populations in Lake Trafford and Improve Water Quality
Richloam Hatchery successfully produced over 5,000 mussels, focusing on the Paper Pondshell and Florida Rainbow species. Plans to stock Lake Trafford with mussels aimed to improve water quality.
Coral Reef Restoration Enhancement Using a Potential Corallivore Predator the Spotted Spiny Lobster, Panulirus Guttatus
The project assessed the use of spotted lobsters for coral reef restoration by studying their diet and health in various coral ecosystem states.
Training FWC Personnel to Subdue Wildlife and Scare Bears Using Tasers
The FWC used grant funds to implement conducted energy weapons like tasers for wildlife management, proving effective in safely subduing wildlife.
Assessment of the Epidemiology of a Neuromuscular Disorder Impacting Bobcats and the Endangered Florida Panther
The project evaluated the prevalence of feline leukomyelopathy in Florida panthers and bobcats, identifying probable cases and ongoing research to determine its cause.
Support for Captive Breeding of Endangered Florida Grasshopper Sparrows
White Oak Conservation played a crucial role in captive rearing the critically endangered Florida grasshopper sparrow, releasing 191 birds and exceeding success criteria.
Effects of Outreach Messages on Landowner Attitudes, Perceptions, and Behaviors Related to Florida's WMA's
A survey of private landowners near Wildlife Management Areas assessed their views and behaviors, highlighting the need for targeted outreach and positive interactions with FWC staff.
Mussel Community and Water Quality Restoration in Lake Trafford
Richloam State Fish Hatchery cultivated native freshwater mussels to restore Lake Trafford, aiming to improve water quality and manage other problematic lakes.
Apalachicola Regional Stewardship Alliance, Wetland Ecosystem Support Team
The project restored ephemeral wetlands in the longleaf pine landscape, focusing on prescribed fire application to maintain crucial habitats.
Implementing Predation Management for the Protection of Imperiled Beach Nesting Birds in Northeast Florida
This grant funded predation management for imperiled beach-nesting birds in northeast Florida, which improved nesting outcomes through comprehensive strategies.
Great Florida Birding and Wildlife Trail - Guide Development and Distribution
The Great Florida Birding and Wildlife Trail published new guides, enhancing wildlife appreciation and habitat protection.
Investigating Potential Tropicalization of Fishes and Their Cleaning Stations Found Along Hardbottom Ledges of the West Florida
The study investigated climate change impacts on fish and invertebrate communities in hardbottom ledge habitats near Tampa Bay, revealing shifts in species distribution and behavior.
Adult Movement, Pupae Fire Survival, and Caterpillar Identification of the Frosted Elfin (callophrys irus) Butterfly
The project provided insights into the conservation of the frosted elfin butterfly, identifying suitable habitats and survival factors.
Cameras for Remote Monitoring of Bear Traps
Remote camera systems improved bear management by minimizing trapping time and stress on bears, enhancing communication and decision-making.
Growing Up Wild Curriculum Guides
The grant provided free guides to educators for Growing Up WILD training, reaching nearly 8,000 students annually.
Assessing Sponge Outplant Design to Refine Sponge Restoration Efforts in Florida Bay
The Florida Keys’ sponge community restoration produced 7,000 sponges, focusing on the best site configurations for sustainable fisheries and ecosystem health.
Support for Captive Breeding of Endangered Florida Grasshopper Sparrows
White Oak Conservation’s captive breeding program for the Florida grasshopper sparrow exceeded goals, releasing 193 birds and contributing to the species’ persistence.
Freshwater Turtle Disease Surveillance: Investigating a Softshell Turtle Mortality Event Caused By a Novel Virus
The project addressed the emergence of turtle bunyavirus in Florida’s freshwater turtles, focusing on monitoring, diagnostics, and outreach.
Assessing the Spatial Components of Pollinator and Arthropod Habitat Using the Gatoreye Unmanned Flying Laboratory
The study assessed arthropod communities and plant-pollinator networks in fire-managed longleaf pine sandhill ecosystems, emphasizing management strategies for native pollinators.
Captive Propagation and Repatriation of the Striped Newt
The striped newt in Florida has faced significant declines, especially in the Apalachicola National Forest. Loss of habitat, climate change, introduced fish, and disease pose threats. Through collaborative efforts with zoos, 673 captive-bred newts were released in Apalachicola National Forest wetlands, contributing to a total release of 2,629 newts across six ponds during the project.
Implementing Predation Management for the Protection of Imperiled Beach Nesting Birds in Northeast Florida
The study identified the pathogen causing bacterial infections in black skimmers and recommended managing sandspurs to improve chick survival.
A Benthic and Fish Community Assessment of West Florida Shelf Ledge Ecosystems, Including Harmful Algal Bloom Impacts
Hardbottom ledges in the West Florida Shelf supported diverse fish and invertebrate communities. A study by FWC revealed variations in these communities across different depths and seasons, providing valuable insights into the ecological dynamics of the habitat.
Enhancement and Coordination of the Sentinel Snake Protocol As a Localized Control Tool for Burmese Pythons in Southwestern Florida
The expanded study introduced 10 radio-tagged male scout snakes across a 40-square-mile area, offering insights into python behavior. Over two seasons, researchers removed 192 adult pythons totaling 7,791 pounds, contributing to effective control strategies. Six peer-reviewed articles were published during this phase.
Growing Up Wild Curriculum Guides
The goal of conducting 20 workshops was easily achieved, highlighting the importance of continuing to educate educators.
Bear Cub Rehabilitation Enclosure
The project aimed to build a new bear cub rehabilitation enclosure at Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park.
Headstarting of Frosted Flatwoods Salamanders
This project aimed to save the remaining flatwoods salamander populations in the Apalachicola National Forest by maintaining or increasing their numbers. Unfavorable rainfall conditions over the past several years prevented natural reproduction, so biologists intervened by removing eggs and larvae from the wild, raising them in captivity until they could be released back into their breeding ponds.
Arthropod Community Monitoring and Plant-pollinator Network Mapping in Fire-maintained Sandhills
Monthly insect collections and flower abundance assessments were carried out from March to October 2019 across nine sandhill preserves in north-central Florida. Comprehensive vegetation surveys and aerial imagery were conducted in the fall. A total of 8,320 insect specimens were collected, with data analysis leading to habitat conservation recommendations.
Documenting Occurrence of the Coastal Dunes Crowned Snake (tantilla relicta pamlica) on Public Lands
Researchers used two methods, carpet squares and raking, to locate coastal dunes crowned snakes in Brevard and Indian River counties. The raking method proved more efficient, finding snakes quickly with less effort. The study expanded known locations of the snake, recommending land managers maintain leaf litter in preferred areas.
Assessing the Home Range of the Long-spined Sea Urchin (diadema antillarum)
The project developed an effective tagging method for sea urchins using internal tags. Despite some tag loss, valuable data was collected. The goal of tracking their movements post-release was hindered by COVID-19, but the commitment to coral restoration research in south Florida remained strong.
Bear Trap Improvements and Inflatable Landing Pads
FWC improved bear capture and handling operations by upgrading bear traps with visual screens, detachable winches, retractable ramps, and protective covers. Canvas landing pads were acquired to enhance bear safety during tranquilization and removal from trees.
Enhanced Monitoring for Imperiled Freshwater Mussels of Florida
The Freshwater Mussel Conservation Program focused on conserving imperiled freshwater mussel populations in Florida, particularly the federally endangered Ochlockonee Moccasinshell and Oval Pigtoe. Surveys conducted from 2018 to 2020 collected valuable data on habitat quality and mussel communities.
Backyards and Beyond, Phase 1
The Florida Nature Trackers and Backyards and Beyond program, developed with Texas Parks and Wildlife, used the iNaturalist app to engage families in nature discovery at home. The grant supported program expansion and encouraged backyard conservation.
Movements and Survivorship of Translocated Nuisance American Crocodiles
The study managed interactions between American crocodiles and humans in south Florida. Findings suggested that translocating crocodiles over 100 km reduced their quick return. While translocated crocodiles showed no long-term negative effects, they exhibited stress, emphasizing the need for further research.
Using Echo-sounder Buoys As Sampling Platforms for Fish Spawning Aggregations: a Pilot Study
The project developed and tested echosounder buoys as autonomous tools for monitoring fish aggregations at spawning sites. These buoys provided a cost-effective platform for observing fish communities and improving scientific evaluation of resource abundance.
Assessing Benthic Recovery 10 Years After the 2005 Harmful Algal Bloom on the West Florida Shelf
The project developed and tested echosounder buoys as autonomous tools for monitoring fish aggregations at spawning sites. These buoys provided a cost-effective platform for observing fish communities and improving scientific evaluation of resource abundance.
Survey of Crypto Serpentis in Wild Snakes and Reintroduction of the Eastern Indigo Snake At Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve
This grant funded the release and monitoring of federally threatened Eastern indigo snakes at Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve. The project met primary objectives, including snake reintroduction and disease surveys.
Incentives for Local Governments to Reduce Human/bear Conflicts
Holley-by-the-Sea HOA, with FWC, addressed bear-human conflicts by distributing 600 bear-resistant hardware sets, securing dumpsters, and creating an instructional video. Efforts extended to other counties, enhancing bear-resistant measures and public awareness.
National Initiative to Understand and Connect Americans and Nature
The project created a communications campaign to make UCAN Technical Reports accessible, aiming to drive change through various products and workshops/webinars.
Critical Wildlife Enhancement
The project achieved two goals: in-water posting at 14 Critical Wildlife Areas and collecting comprehensive bird use and disturbance data during the 2018 and 2019 nesting seasons. This enhanced species conservation efforts and improved CWA management.
Orphan Bear Cub Rehab Enclosure
With this grant the architect presented a rehabilitation enclosure design, with plans for cost estimation and construction in the upcoming fiscal year.
Bear Demographics in Apalachicola Bear Management Unit Year 1
FWC evaluated the growth rate of the Apalachicola bear subpopulation, especially after reintroducing bear hunting in 2015. The study provided crucial data for ongoing conservation and population management.
Local Government Incentives to Reduce Human-bear Conflict
This grant allocated BearWise funds to 11 counties, 3 cities, and 2 HOAs, providing over 9,000 residents with bear-resistant equipment. This initiative encouraged local governments to pass ordinances, reducing human-bear conflicts.
Journey of the Whooping Crane
The filming project captured the journey of Whooping Cranes, showcasing their challenges throughout the year. The documentary, “Journey of the Whooping Crane,” is available on the project’s website.
Avian and Terrestrial Wildlife Disease Surveillance and Response Program - CWD & Avian Influenza Veterinarian
The project supported a wildlife veterinarian position focusing on fish and wildlife health. The veterinarian conducted timely investigations, disease surveillance, and offered technical expertise, contributing to a comprehensive fish and wildlife disease program.
Southeastern At-risk Species Program (SEARS)
The Southeastern At-Risk Species program, a multi-state collaboration, supported data collection for five species, contributing to the listing determination of twelve species across the Southeast.
Reintroduction of Eastern Indigo Snakes to the Florida Panhandle
12 captive-bred eastern indigo snakes were released at Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravine Preserve, gaining media attention. Radio-telemetry tracked four released snakes, with promising observations. Plans for the next cohort included ordering transmitters for implantation surgeries.
Florida Residents' Attitudes Towards Bear Management in the State
A comprehensive survey gauged public sentiment on bears and bear management, providing insights to enhance FWC’s management decisions, strategies for specific Bear Management Units, and public communication.
Avian and Terrestrial Wildlife Disease Surveillance and Response Program
The project sustained wildlife veterinarian position, ensuring prompt investigation of wildlife mortality events, disease surveillance, and technical expertise, contributing to a comprehensive disease program.
Incentives to Increase Bear-resistant Equipment Availability
FWC staff collaborated with multiple entities to enhance bear-resistant equipment availability. Efforts included securing commercial dumpsters and cost-sharing projects for bear-resistant cans.
Understanding and Connecting Americans with Nature (UCAN) Phase 3
The National Initiative to Understand and Connect Americans and Nature gathered information for programs contributing to Florida’s wildlife diversity. Focus groups, surveys, and interviews explored relationships with nature, health impacts, and attitudes influenced by race and ethnicity.
Southeastern At-risk Species Program (SEARS)
The Southeastern At-Risk Species program facilitated collaborative efforts for listing at-risk species, collecting data and implementing conservation actions for five species in multiple states, preventing the listing of twelve species.
Genetic Assessment of Striped Newt Populations in Florida
Genetic analyses highlighted limited gene flow between ponds and increased genetic differentiation with distance. Eastern Florida populations showed higher genetic diversity, while Georgia populations faced extinction vulnerability, emphasizing the need for further research.
Health and Genetic Structure of Florida's American Eels
The project addressed knowledge gaps about the American Eel in Florida. Surveys from 2014-2016 provided baseline data on eel biology, health, and genetics. Findings suggested a lack of genetic differentiation across Florida, informing future conservation strategies.
2016 Python Challenge
The Python Challenge 2016 increased public engagement in removing invasive Burmese pythons. The event included educational efforts, a removal competition, and an awareness festival. Data from necropsies and capture locations informed management decisions.
Northern African Python Eradication
During FY15/16, two Fish and Wildlife Technicians conducted surveys for Nonnative Amphibians and Reptiles but found none. Outreach efforts and opportunistic interactions led to the removal of two nonnative constrictor snakes. Systematic surveys recorded no snakes, possibly due to a small population.
Argentine Black and White Tegu Control and Management
The project optimized trapping methods, studied diet and body condition, and assessed tegu distribution. Researchers trapped and removed 17 tegus, fitted six with transmitters, and used camera traps for behavior monitoring. Ongoing research at UF will inform management recommendations.