Established in 2018 The Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida seeks to protect Florida’s outstanding animals and plants and the lands and waters they need to survive. We work closely with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) and many other public and private partners. Make your tax-deductible donation
Press Release
The Florida Conservation Endowment
THE FLORIDA CONSERVATION ENDOWMENT The Florida Conservation Endowment is the Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida’s general permanent endowment used to support our operations and the many programs and projects we fund. Help us help so many others by making an outright or planned gift to this endowment. Learn more
The Rare Plant Conservation Endowment
Rare plants account for nearly 15% of the state’s 2,864 native species, many of which can only be found in Florida. Some species have declined due to a long history of negative human impacts, while other species are rare due to biological constraints. Donate to our endowment to fund surveys,