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The Deep Dive Blog

Current Initiatives

Combatting Invasives

Non-native invasive species like Burmese pythons, Brazilian pepper, and lionfish threaten Florida’s natural ecosystems and cost millions of dollars annually to control. See how the Fish and Wildlife Foundation of Florida is helping combat them.
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Restoring Our Reefs

Coral reefs are central to the health and diversity of our oceans. Although coral reefs represent only one percent of ocean habitats, they serve as home, protection, and spawning grounds for a fourth of all marine life.
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Preserving Our Outdoor Heritage

Few Americans fully appreciate the importance of hunting and shooting sports to conservation. The Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida financially supports FWC’s efforts to attract a new generation of men and women to hunting and the shooting sports, including archery.
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Getting Kids Back to Nature

Nature-Deficit Disorder. Children and teens spend less and less time outdoors, despite its many benefits. It’s a fast-growing national problem our Foundation is working to solve in Florida.
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Protecting Wild Florida Begins With You.

Protecting wild Florida begins with you. From Pensacola Bay to Key West, our Foundation is working to protect Florida’s natural lands and waters and the wildlife they harbor.

Help ensure future generations can experience wild Florida by donating now.



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