FWFF Grant System Step-By-Step Instructions for Admins and Reviewers
- System Login
- Check Submitted Grants
- Check Grant Applicants
- Assign Grants to Reviewers
- Reviewing a Grant After Receiving Grant Review Assignment
- Check Grant Reviews
- Adding Grant Reviewers
- Send Reminder E-Mails to Grant Recipients for Quarterly and Final Reports
- Set Status Folder for Individual Grant Applications
- View Reports Dashboard for Reviews
- View Summary Reports for Reviews for FWFF tag and PFS tag
- View Report 1 – Admin View of CWT Grants
- View Report 2 – Division Ranking View of CWT Grants
- View Report 3 – Admin Ranking View of CWT Grants
- Generating Final Reviews Report for FWFF tag and PFS tag
- Updating Final Reviews Report for FWFF tag and PFS tag
- Generating Cross Division Rankings Report for CWT tag
- View Report 4 – Cross Division Rankings View of CWT Grants
- Updating Cross Division Rankings Report for CWT tag
System Login
1. Go to https://auth.zenginehq.com/users/login
2. Enter login credentials (username/password) and click the Sign In button.
3. Choose the Workspace for the tag you wish to work on by clicking on that tag. That will bring you to a screen that looks similar to this:
4. You are now ready to begin work in that Workspace. If you need to switch to another Workspace, click the dropdown at the top left. This area will always have the title of your workspace with a small dropdown as highlighted in yellow in the image below. The image shows how it looks when the dropdown is clicked. You can switch to another Workspace by clicking on the title of that Workspace within this dropdown.
Check Submitted Grants
1. You can see the list of submitted grants for each tag on the screen you reach after choosing your Workspace. You can always reach this screen from within the Workspace by clicking on the Data icon within the top menu bar. The Data icon is the one that is highlighted in yellow below.
2. If you wish to see the contents of an individual grant application, simply double-click on the record for that application within the list (record for the first application designated in yellow below).
3. That will take you to the Application page pasted below. On the left side of this page is the application itself. Scroll down to see all application fields. On the right side of this page is a list of all the linked records relating to the grant application. This will include all reviews, quarterly reports, final reports, and any other responses that may need to be added in the future relating to each grant application.
4. You can edit data within any application on this page by simply entering the new data into the desired field and then hitting the blue save button at the lower left corner of the page designated in yellow below. (Note the yellow actually turns to green because of the opacity setting and it highlighting a blue button below it)
5. To return to the Data page, click the Back button designated in yellow below at any time. After clicking the back button, you may receive a warning about having unsaved changes. Make sure to hit the save button in step #4 above. If you click OK to proceed with going back without saving any changes, you will have to go back in to redo your changes.
Check Grant Applicants
1. To see a list of Grant Applicants, from the Data page, click on the Applicants tab designated in yellow below.
2. That will take you to the Applicants page pasted below.
3. On this page double-click on any applicant record to see the individual Applicant page. The first record is designated in yellow below.
4. The Individual Applicant page is pasted below. On the left side of this page you will see the Applicant information. This only consists of a field for their e-mail address and a count of the number of applications they have submitted within the current Workspace. On the right side of this page, you will see a list of all applications they have submitted within the current workspace. The application title is a clickable link that will take you to the Application page detailed above for that application.
5. You can edit the e-mail address for an Applicant on this page by simply entering the new e-mail address into the field and then hitting the blue save button at the lower left corner of the page designated in yellow below. (Note the yellow actually turns to green because of the opacity setting and it highlighting a blue button below it)
6. To return to the Data page Applicants tab, click the Back button designated in yellow below at any time.
Assign Grants to Reviewers
1. On the main data screen shown below, click the Program Manager icon in the top blue bar designated in yellow below.
2. That will open the Assignments section shown below. On this screen, click the Edit Assignments button for the Reviews section designated in yellow below.
3. That will take you to the page to make the assignments for Reviews shown below. This page shows you a complete list of all grant applications along with the assignments already created for them and the number and percentage of assignments that have been completed.
4. There are multiple ways to Assign Grant Applications to Reviewers. In most cases, you will want to start with a Batch Assignment. To do this, first click on where it says Assign By Submission shown in yellow below.
5. That will open a dropdown. On the dropdown, click Batch Assignment as shown in yellow below.
6. This will bring up the Batch Assign settings. Here, you should click the drop-down for the first field and set it to “All Submissions”. Then click the down-down for the second field and set it to “Reviewer”. Lastly, enter the number of Grant Applications that are present in the system in the third field. In the example below, I just used the number “1”. Leave the checkbox that says “Limit to specific reviewers:” unchecked. When you have finished setting things properly as described above, your screen should look like the one shown below.
7. Once you have all settings fields chosen after following the instructions above, click the blue Assign button highlighted in yellow below (actually shows as green).
8. A pop-up window will appear notifying you of the details of the Batch Assignment you have set up. It will tell you how many assignments will be created for each Reviewer first. Then it will tell you that it will skip any duplicate assignments. Then it will give you the total number of new assignments this Batch Assignment will generate. Click the Confirm button on this pop-up window to complete the Batch Assignment process.
9. After completing the Batch Assignment process detailed above, the system will automatically assign reviews to all reviewers for each Grant application in the system. Note that it will not reassign reviews for Grant applications that have already been assigned. This will only create new review assignments for Grant applications that have been added to the system after the time the last Batch Assignment process was completed. So, it would be advisable for the admin to do this Batch Assignment process on a regular basis. I would suggest doing this step on a weekly basis, so reviews can be completed by reviewers in a timely manner.
10. Another method to Assign Grants to Reviewers is through the “Assign by Submission” option. Going back to Step 3 in this tutorial, you are on the Assign by Submission option by default when you enter this admin section as seen again below.
11. On this screen, you will see a list of Grant Application titles. For each title, it will also show the number of review assignments for that Grant Application, the number of reviews that have been completed and a percentage of reviews that have been completed. If you want to see the reviews for an individual Grant Application, click on that application’s record in the table, shown in yellow below.
12. That will open a list of review assignments for that Grant Application. You will see the list of review assignments on the right side of the screen as shown below.
13. Note that you can delete review assignments on an individual basis in this section. An example of when you would want to do this is if you have a Grant Application where one of your Reviewers might have a conflict of interest by participating in the review process and you want to eliminate that Reviewer from that assignment. To remove a single review assignment from an individual Grant Application, click the X button corresponding to that review assignment shown in yellow below.
14. After clicking the X button, a pop-up will appear asking if you are sure you want to remove this member from this submission. Click the Remove button and that will delete that review assignment for that reviewer for that Grant Application.
15. Another method to Assign Grants to Reviewers is through the “Assign by Member” option. To use this method, go back to steps 3 and 4 in this tutorial, but choose the “Assign by Member” option on the dropdown shown in yellow below.
16. On this screen, you will see a list of Reviewer names. For each Reviewer, it will also show the number of review assignments for that Reviewer, the number of reviews that have been completed and a percentage of reviews that have been completed. If you want to see the reviews for an individual Reviewer, click on that reviewer’s record in the table, shown in yellow below.
17. That will open a list of review assignments for that Grant Application. You will see the list of review assignments on the right side of the screen as shown below.
18. Note that you can delete review assignments within this screen using the same method detailed in steps 13 and 14 above.
Reviewing a Grant After Receiving Grant Review Assignment
1. For reviewing Wildlife Foundation of Florida Tag Grant Applications, go here: https://webportalapp.com/portal/application_33d7
2. For reviewing Conserve Wildlife Tag Grant Applications, go here: https://webportalapp.com/portal/login/cw_tagapps_c7db/
3. For reviewing Protect Florida Springs Tag Grant Applications, go here: https://webportalapp.com/portal/login/pfs_tagapps_1141/
4. This will take you to the log in screen for reviewers. The screen for the Wildlife Foundation of Florida Tag is shown below.
5. Enter the e-mail address for your account. Enter “password” without the quotes as the password field on your initial login. Click the Login button. This will take you to a page that shows you all your Review Assignments as shown below.
6. On this page, all Review Assignments that have not been completed will show a blue button with the word “Review” on the right side of each Application listed. The Application will show the Last Name field and the Amount Requested field. All Review Assignments that have been completed will show a green button with the word “Done”.
7. If this is your first time logging into the review system, you should change your user account password. To do this, click the Gear icon next to the Logout button at the top right area of your screen shown in yellow below.
8. That will take you to the Password Reset page for the workspace you are in shown below. Note that you will have to do this step for each workspace. On this page, enter your Current Password as “password” without the quotes and then put whatever you want your new password to be in the New Password field and the Confirm New Password field before hitting the Save button.
9. After saving your new password, you will be taken back to the Review Assignments page. To start a new review, click the blue “Review” button for any application. The “Review” button for the first Application is highlighted in yellow below, but shows as green.
10. This will take you to a page that shows the Grant Application you chose as shown below. The filled out Grant Application displays on the left side of the page. To initiate the Review for this Grant Application, you must click the blue Review + button shown below.
11. After you click the blue Review + button, the Review Form will open on the right side of the page as shown below. The Grant Application will remain on the left side of the page so the Reviewer can reference it while answering the questions in the Review Form.
12. At the bottom of the Review Form, you will see buttons labeled Cancel, Save Draft, and Submit highlighted in yellow below. The Cancel button will exit the Review Form without saving anything you entered. The Save Draft button will save your Review Form input that you have added, but will not submit it to the system as a completed Review. You can start a Review, save it as a draft, and then come back at a later time to complete the review using this option. The Submit button will save your review and submit it to the system as a completed Review that will then factor into the Final Reporting for all Grant Applications. You are still able to edit completed reviews if further revisions are necessary.
13. After Submitting your Review, you must click the “Listings” link highlighted in yellow below to get back to the Review Assignments page.
14. You will then see the Grant Application for the Review you just completed show a green Done button instead of the blue Review button as shown below. Repeat this process until you complete all Review Assignments on this page.
Check Grant Reviews
1. On the main Data page, click the Reviews tab highlighted in yellow below.
2. That will take you to the Reviews page shown below. On this page, you will see all Review Assignments. Reviews that have been assigned, but not completed will appear in gray text. Completed reviews will appear in black text.
3. To edit or see an individual review, click on the review record within the Reviews table. In the example below, the last review record the list is highlighted in yellow.
4. That will take you to a new page that shows the individual review in full as shown below.
5. You can make changes to the responses in any field on this form. If you make changes, make sure to hit the blue Save button at the bottom left corner of this page before exiting. This button is highlighted in yellow below but shows as green.
6. To return to the Data page, click the Back button designated in yellow below at any time. After clicking the back button, you may receive a warning about having unsaved changes. Make sure to hit the save button in step #4 above. If you click OK to proceed with going back without saving any changes, you will have to go back in to redo your changes.
Adding Grant Reviewers
1. From the main Data page, click the Reviewers tab highlighted in yellow below.
2. That will take you to the Reviewers page shown below.
3. To edit or see an individual reviewer, click on the reviewer record within the Reviewers table as shown in yellow below.
4. That will take you to a new page that shows the individual reviewer information in full as shown below. On the left side of this page, you will see the Reviewer Name, Email, and Phone fields as well as a count of the # of Reviews assigned to this Reviewer. On the right side of this page, you will see a partial list of the Reviews assigned to this Reviewer. You can click on any of the linked review numbers present here to see each Review.
5. To see all Reviews assigned to this Reviewer, click the View All Linked Records link highlighted in yellow below.
6. This will take you out of the individual Reviewer page and into the Reviews tab of the main Data screen. But on this Reviews tab, a filter is applied so you will only see Reviews assigned to the individual Reviewer whose page you were on previously as shown below. Note that in the Reviewer field below, all records belong to the same Reviewer. There is no back button within the system to take you back to the individual Reviewer page from here, so you will have to hit the back button within your browser.
7. You can edit the information for each Reviewer. If you make changes, make sure to hit the blue Save button at the bottom left corner of this page before exiting. This button is highlighted in yellow below but shows as green.
8. To return to the Data page, click the Back button designated in yellow below at any time. After clicking the back button, you may receive a warning about having unsaved changes. Make sure to hit the save button in step #4 above. If you click OK to proceed with going back without saving any changes, you will have to go back in to redo your changes.
9. To add a new reviewer, click the green Add Reviewer button shown below on the Reviewers page.
10. That will take you to the New Reviewer page. On this page, fill out the Reviewer Name, Email and Phone fields with the appropriate.
11. To save the New Reviewer, hit the blue Save button highlighted in yellow below (shows as green).
12. To return to the Data page, click the Back button designated in yellow below at any time. After clicking the back button, you may receive a warning about having unsaved changes. Make sure to hit the save button in step #4 above. If you click OK to proceed with going back without saving any changes, you will have to go back in to redo your changes.
13. When you return to the Reviewers page, you should see the Reviewer you just added in the list.
14. If you are adding a Reviewer within the Wildlife Foundation of Florida Tag workspace or the Protect Florida Springs Tag workspace, you must also add that Reviewer as a new field within the Final Reviews Report form within that workspace. This step cannot be automated and must be done manually by an admin every time a new Reviewer is added. The list of Reviewers should always match with the Reviewers fields in the Final Reviews Report form. This step is essential to get a complete Final Reviews Report. To get to the Final Reviews Report form, start by clicking the Gear icon in the upper right corner of the screen designated in yellow below to open the Settings & Tools page.
15. On the Settings & Tools screen, click on Forms as shown in yellow below.
16. That will take you to a page showing all the forms within the current workspace. On this page, click the Edit Form button for the Final Reviews Report form highlighted in yellow below.
17. That will take you to the Edit Form page for the Final Reviews Report form as shown below.
18. In the left area of this page, you will see all the fields for the Final Reviews Report form. Scroll down so you can see the last Reviewer field. All Reviewers in the workspace should be present in this form. Note in the example below, you can see the fields named Reviewer – Kenny, Reviewer – Will Bradford, Reviewer – Bob, Reviewer – Joe.
19. To add a new Reviewer, you must Drag a new Text field from the right side of the screen designated in yellow below, and drop it in the area marked in yellow below between the last Reviewer field (in this example the Reviewer – Joe field) and the Grand Total field.
20. If you drag the Text field correctly, you will see the new field placed within the form as shown below.
21. Edit the field name by clicking on it within the new Text field as shown below. Make sure to name the field starting with “Reviewer – “ followed by the name of the Reviewer.
22. After you edit the name of the new Reviewer, make sure to hit the blue Save Form button in the lower left corner, highlighted in yellow below (shows as green).
23. After you hit the Save Form button, you should see a small Fields Saved indicator appear briefly at the top of the screen as shown highlighted in yellow below. If you see this indicator, you can safely click the Data icon to return to the main Data screen.
Send Reminder E-Mails to Grant Recipients for Quarterly and Final Reports
1. On the main Data screen, click on the Bulk E-Mail envelope icon within the blue bar at the top of the screen as indicated in yellow below.
2. This will take you to a page showing all sent e-mails along with another tab that will show all draft e-mails. This page is shown below.
3. The easiest way to send a new Reminder E-Mail to Grant Recipients is to first click the Drafts tab shown in yellow below.
4. Then on the ensuing page, you will click the Duplicate button on the listing titled “Please submit your final report” as shown in yellow below.
5. This will take you to a new page shown below where you will compose the e-mail you wish to send. This page is pre-populated with the e-mail you have duplicated.
6. On this page, the Recipients Form field is already defined for each workspace. Do not make any changes there. The E-Mail field is already defined to use the E-Mail address provided by all Grant Applicants. Filtering recipients will be detailed in Steps 7 and 8 of this section. The From Name and Reply To address can be set to whatever you want to use. The subject line is prepopulated with “Please submit your final report”.
The body of the message contain some special coding for the URL we are sending. This URL defined as it is will take the Grant Recipient to a user ID specific Final Report form that is tied to their Grant Application. In this example, the URL is https://webportalapp.com/webform/fwfffinalreport?field403790={{Admin.Record Id.form45196.id}} . It is very important that you do not modify this URL at all.
You will also notice special coding in the example salutation. It is currently defined as Hi {{FWFF Tag Apps.First Name.form44488.field375508}}, . This will pull the First Name field from the Grant Application form and apply it within each e-mail it sends to personalize the experience for each Grant Recipient. Note that you can insert field data from any of the fields in their original Grant Application by clicking on the Insert Field dropdown highlighted in yellow below. This feature is available for use in both the Body and the Subject of the E-Mail you are composing.
7. To filter recipients of an e-mail, you must click the Filter Recipients button below the e-mail field as shown in yellow below.
8. Clicking that button will open the filtering pop-up shown below.
9. Using this filtering tool, you can set any number of conditional logic criteria to define which Grant Recipients will receive the E-Mail you are composing. More detailed instructions can be provided to set up specific filtering criteria, but in this tutorial suffice it to say that you just choose which field you want to utilize, then set the Condition field to is or isn’t depending on your needs with the filter, and then type in the Value corresponding to the field data you wish to include or exclude from receiving the e-mail.
10. When you have completed composing the e-mail, you can preview it by clicking the blue Preview button at the bottom left side of the screen as shown below. Or you can send the e-mail by clicking the green Send Now button at the bottom right side of the screen as shown below.
11. If you do not wish to send the e-mail immediately, you can keep it in Draft mode by simply hitting the link to go back at the top of the page as shown in yellow below.
Set Status Folder for Individual Grant Applications
1. To set/change the Status Folder for Individual Grant Applications, starting on the main data page, double-click on the record for the application within the list (record for the first application designated in yellow below).
2. That will take you to the Application page shown below.
3. On this page, the Status Folder designation can be found just to the right of the print button in the top right corner of the left portion of the Application as shown in yellow below. It is the second of the four buttons in this area. The other two are “Click to Subscribe” and the red Delete button. To change the Status Folder designation, simply click on this button and choose from the other Status Folder designation options present.
4. After changing the Status Folder designation, be sure to click the blue Save button at the lower left corner of the the screen, highlighted in yellow below (shows as green)
5. To return to the Data page, click the Back button designated in yellow below at any time. After clicking the back button, you may receive a warning about having unsaved changes. Make sure to hit the save button in step #4 above. If you click OK to proceed with going back without saving any changes, you will have to go back in to redo your changes.
View Reports Dashboard for Reviews
1. On the main Data screen, click on the Reporting Dashboard chart icon within the blue bar at the top of the screen as indicated in yellow below.
2. That will take you to the Reporting Dashboard page shown below.
3. On this dashboard, we currently have widgets set up as follows:
a. Reviews – This widget shows the title of the Grant Application and the average score it has received in completed Reviews.
b. Review Count – This widget shows the total number of Review Assignments that have been assigned.
c. Review Averages (half page width) – This widget shows a table with the title of the Grant Application followed by the results of all reviews of that application with the average review score in the final column. The table is sorted on the average review score in descending order.
d. Review Totals (half page width) – This widget shows a table with the title of the Grant Application followed by the results of all reviews of that application with the total review score in the final column. The table is sorted on the total review score in descending order.
e. Review Averages (full page width) – Same widget as above only set up to use the full width of the Dashboard area.
f. Review Totals (full page width) – Same widget as above only set up to use the full width of the Dashboard area.
View Summary Reports for Reviews for FWFF tag and PFS tag
1. Start on the Home page shown below.
2. Click on either the Protect Florida Springs or Wildlife Foundation workspace shown in yellow below. For this tutorial, we will use the Wildlife Foundation one. But the process is the same in both workspaces.
3. Opening the workspace will take you to the main data page for that workspace. On this data page, click the Reviews tab designated in yellow below.
4. On the Reviews tab, click the Views dropdown designated in yellow below.
5. When the Views drop-down opens, click the Summary Report option designated in yellow below.
6. This Summary Report provides all the data in the format necessary to create a pivot table within Excel that is needed to generate the Final Reviews Report for the Protect Florida Springs and Wildlife Foundation workspaces. Instructions on that step are provided in that section of the tutorial. In this Summary Report, you can view all Review assignments for all Grant Applications. Reviews that have been completed by the assigned reviewer are shown in black. Reviews that have been assigned but not completed by the reviewer are shown in gray. This provides an easy method to tell which reviews are still pending and needing completion.
View Report 1 – Admin View of CWT Grants
1. Start on the Home page shown below.
2. Click on the Conserve Wildlife workspace shown in yellow below.
3. Opening the workspace will take you to the main data page for that workspace. On this data page, click the Reviews tab designated in yellow below.
4. On the Reviews tab, click the Views dropdown designated in yellow below.
5. When the Views drop-down opens, click the Report 1 – Admin View of CWT Grants option designated in yellow below.
6. In this Report 1 – Admin View of CWT Grants, you can view all Review assignments for all Grant Applications. Reviews that have been completed by the assigned reviewer are shown in black. Reviews that have been assigned but not completed by the review are shown in gray. This provides an easy method to tell which reviews are still pending and needing completion. This Report does not include Review results.
View Report 2 – Division Ranking View of CWT Grants
1. Start on the Home page shown below.
2. Click on the Conserve Wildlife workspace shown in yellow below.
3. Opening the workspace will take you to the main data page for that workspace. On this data page, click the Reviews tab designated in yellow below.
4. On the Reviews tab, click the Views dropdown designated in yellow below.
5. When the Views drop-down opens, click the Report 2 – Division Ranking View option designated in yellow below.
6. In this Report 2 – Division Ranking View, you can view all Reviews for all Grant Applications grouped by Division. Division Directors can view all Grant Applications within their Division together here and change their Division Priority Ratings and Division Director’s Notes as they see fit. To make changes, double-click on the record for the Review within the list (record for the first Review designated in yellow below).
7. That will take you to a page where you can edit the Review as shown below.
8. You should only edit the Division Priority Ranking and the Division Director Notes on this Grant’s Importance fields here. When complete make sure to save your changes by clicking the blue button at the lower left corner of the screen designated in yellow below.
9. To return to the Report page, click the Back button designated in yellow below at any time. After clicking the back button, you may receive a warning about having unsaved changes. Make sure to hit the save button in step #8 above. If you click OK to proceed with going back without saving any changes, you will have to go back in to redo your changes.
View Report 3 – Admin Ranking View of CWT Grants
1. Start on the Home page shown below.
2. Click on the Conserve Wildlife workspace shown in yellow below.
3. Opening the workspace will take you to the main data page for that workspace. On this data page, click the Reviews tab designated in yellow below.
4. On the Reviews tab, click the Views dropdown designated in yellow below.
5. When the Views drop-down opens, click the Report 3 – Admin Ranking View option designated in yellow below.
6. In this Report 3 – Admin Ranking View, you can view all Reviews for all Grant Applications grouped by Division. This is the level where the Admin can make any additional changes deemed necessary beyond any changes made by the Division Directors. This step provides a permanent record of the Application and Review process prior to a final Cross Divisional meeting where final rankings will be decided. This permanent record can be used to satisfy any public records requests made regarding this process. To make changes, double-click on the record for the Review within the list (record for the first Review designated in yellow below).
7. That will take you to a page where you can edit the Review as shown below.
8. You should only edit the Division Priority Ranking and the Division Director Notes on this Grant’s Importance fields here. When complete make sure to save your changes by clicking the blue button at the lower left corner of the screen designated in yellow below.
9. To return to the Report page, click the Back button designated in yellow below at any time. After clicking the back button, you may receive a warning about having unsaved changes. Make sure to hit the save button in step #8 above. If you click OK to proceed with going back without saving any changes, you will have to go back in to redo your changes.
Generating Final Reviews Report for FWFF tag and PFS tag
For this tutorial, all screen caps will reflect screens within the FWFF tag workspace. But the process will be the same within both the FWFF tag and PFS tag workspaces.
1. Starting on the main data page, you will first want to delete any existing records within the Final Reviews Report. That way any old data from previous tests or versions of this report will be removed and you will start fresh for a new report. To bulk delete existing records click the Delete Records icon in the top blue bar (the trash can icon) designated in yellow below.
2. That will take you to the Bulk Delete page shown below. On this page click to open the dropdown and then click the Final Reviews Report option designated in yellow below.
3. A popup will open asking you for filtering criteria. For the purposes of this step in the tutorial, you want to delete all records present so you do not need to set any filtering criteria, but that functionality is available should you need it for other reasons. For this tutorial, simply click the save button on this popup designated in yellow below (shows as green).
4. That will take you back to the bulk delete page, but now all existing Final Report Form data will be included on this page as shown below. Note that the form data in this screen capture is from previous tests so it is OK to delete it. You do not want to do this for any of the other forms in the workspace as you will lose applicant or review data if you do that. The way this is set up, the data in the Final Report Form is simply a copy of existing data from the Grant Applications and Reviews so deleting from this form does not remove data from elsewhere.
5. On this page, the next step is to confirm that you are working with Final Report Form data. To do this, just confirm that the Final Report Form option is the one showing in the dropdown designated in yellow below.
6. Next, select all records by checking the checkbox in the top left corner of the data section next to the “Record Name” header. This checkbox is designated in yellow below. Note that when you check this top left checkbox, the checkboxes showing at the far left of all records should then auto-populate with checks.
7. After all records are checked, click the red “Delete Selected Records” button in the top left corner.
8. A warning popup as shown below will then open to let you know you are about to delete all selected records. It asks you to type the word DELETE in the box below and then hit the red Delete button in the lower right corner of the pop-up. Go ahead and do those steps here.
9. The system will take a little while to delete the records. When it is finished your screen should look like the screen capture below with an All Records Saved notification in the top center that will eventually disappear and “No Records Found” in the area where the records were in the previous steps.
10. Once you have successfully deleted all existing Final Report Form data, you can then move to the next task needed which is to export the Summary Report data for Reviews. To do this, first get back to the main data screen by clicking the Data icon in the top blue bar designated in yellow below.
11. On the main data screen, click the Reviews tab designated in yellow below.
12. On the Reviews screen, click the View dropdown designated in yellow below.
13. When the dropdown opens, click the Summary Report option (do not use Summary Report Test) designated in yellow below.
14. That will take you to the Summary Report view screen shown below. This screen has all data from both the Grant Application form and Reviews that will be needed to generate the Final Reviews Report. But the Zengine system does not have the tools required to build the Final Reviews Report as needed using this data. We must export the Summary Report data from Zengine and then use Microsoft Excel pivot tables to take this data and manipulate it in a way that will then allow us to re-import it into Zengine in the form needed to build the Final Reviews Report. This step is necessary for both the calculations required in this process and to provide separation of the data from the Reviews step to the Final Reviews Report step. That separation is necessary for you to be able to fulfil FOIA requests by being able to supply data from every step in the Grant awards process.
15. On the Summary Report view screen, click on the Form Tools button in the upper right corner designated in yellow below.
16. That will open a dropdown. On this dropdown click on the Export Current View option designated in yellow below.
17. A popup will then open giving you the status of the Data Export you are performing. Wait patiently until this popup says Congratulations! 100% completed as shown below. From here, you must click on the Download your data link designated in yellow below. You will then be prompted to save a CSV file to your system. Make sure you save it to a location on your hard drive where you will be able to easily find it from within Microsoft Excel.
18. With this Summary Report data export complete, you are now ready to bring the data into Microsoft Excel. To start this process make sure to download the two pivot table files built for us by Wizehive. Click here to download the one for the Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida tag workspace. Then click here to download the pivot table file for the Protect Florida Springs tag workspace. Make sure you use the correct pivot table file for the workspace you are working with now.
19. In Microsoft Excel, first open the CSV file generated when you exported the Summary View from Zengine. This file should look similar to the screen capture below.
20. Next, you must also open the Florida FWP Summary Report.xltx file you downloaded in Step #18 above. That will look as shown in the screen capture below. The first page of the pivot table file in Excel gives instructions for how to use the file. You have already done step 1 on this page which says to Export Current View of the “Summary Report” View from the “Reviews form in Zengine.
21. Now you must do step 2 which is to Delete any data in the “Paste Zengine Data Export Here” worksheet from a previous report. To do this, you must first click the “Paste Zengine Data Export Here” tab in the lower part of the page designated in yellow here.
22. That will take you to the screen where you must paste the exported data. But first you must delete any data that is already present here from any previous work saved in the file. When you click the tab in step #21 above to get to this screen, it should open the screen with the entirety of the data pre-selected as shown below. If everything is pre-selected, all fields will show in gray. If everything is gray as shown below, then you can safely hit the Delete key to delete all the already existing data.
23. The screen will look like this if you have deleted all data successfully.
24. After that screen is empty, return to the CSV file that you also opened. You will need to copy all data from that file. Upon opening that file, your screen should look like the screen cap below. To highlight all data in the file, click the cell area to the left of Column A and above Row 1 as designated in yellow below. This area has a gray triangle pointing to the lower right corner.
25. If you have done step #24 above correctly, your screen will now look like the screen capture below with all data highlighted in gray.
26. Confirm that everything is highlighted, and then type CTRL-C on your keyboard to copy all the data to your clipboard.
27. Next, go back to the pivot table file that you should still have open in Microsoft Excel. When you have that file window open, type CTRL-V on your keyboard to paste all the data from your clipboard into the pivot table file. If you do this step successfully, your screen should now show something similar to this screen capture.
28. Confirm that all data has been successfully pasted into the Paste Zengine Data Export Here tab. Once confirmed, then click on the Summary Report (Pivot Table) tab designated in yellow below.
29. That will take you to the Pivot Table for this file as shown below.
30. You must do two additional steps from within this screen before the Pivot Table data will then be ready to be re-imported back into Zengine. First, you must Refresh the Pivot Table to account for the new data. To do this step, click on Data in the Excel menu, then click the Refresh icon designated in yellow below.
31. Once data is refreshed, you must also make sure the filtering is properly set. To do this, look at Cell A4 in the Pivot Table with the header title FWFF Tag Apps – Admin: Proposal Number. You will see a very small dropdown arrow on the right side of that cell designated in yellow below. Click on that dropdown arrow.
32. That will open the filter settings as shown below.
33. Within these filter settings, you want to make sure that All options are selected EXCEPT for the one that says “blank”. So it should look similar to the screen capture below. Note that I expanded the area to eliminate the scroll bar so you could see all filters present here.
34. With the data refreshed and the filters confirmed to be properly set, the Pivot Table data is now ready to be re-imported back into Zengine. The first step to doing that is to create a new CSV file with the data present in the Pivot Table. To do this, you must first highlight all data in the pivot table. To highlight the data, start by clicking on Row 4 on the far left of the screen as designated in yellow below.
35. That will highlight Row 4. Next, you must hold down your Shift key and hit the down arrow key until ALL subsequent records are highlighted. In the example being used here, Rows 5-18 are populated with data and are highlighted as shown below. If you correctly highlight the Rows, they will appear as a darker/grayer color than they were previously. You can also tells the rows are highlighted if the Row numbers on the far left side are displaying in light green instead of gray. Do not highlight any empty rows after the final row of data and make sure that all rows with data are highlighted. Also make sure you do not highlight Rows 1-3. Make sure to highlight starting at Row 4.
36. Once all rows are highlighted, hit CTRL-C on your keyboard to copy this data.
37. Next, you must create a new file within Microsoft Excel. To do this, click File in the Excel menu system designated in yellow below (shows as lighter green).
38. Then click New in the green menu bar on the next screen as designated in yellow below (shows as lighter green).
39. Then select Blank Workbook on the subsequent screen as designated in yellow below.
40. That will open a new file as shown below.
41. In this new file, you will want to again highlight rows. You must highlight the same rows that are highlighted on your Pivot Table. In the example being used for this tutorial, rows 4-18 were highlighted so you should highlight rows 4-18 here using the same Shift-down area technique from Step #35 above. Note that if your Pivot Table data instead required you to highlight rows 4-250 instead of rows 4-18, you would then want to highlight rows 4-250 in this new file now. If you highlight the rows correctly, your screen should look like the screenshot below.
42. With the same rows highlighted, type CTRL-V on your keyboard to paste the data from the Pivot Table into this new file. If you do this successfully your screen should now look similar to the screenshot below.
43. Next, you can safely delete rows 1-3 from the new file. You can do this by highlighting each row by clicking the Row number on the far left side, then right-clicking and hitting delete. Repeat this for all three rows at the top. After deleting those three rows, your screen should now look similar to the screenshot below.
44. This new file is now ready to be saved as a CSV file that will be used to re-import the data in this format back into the Zengine system.. To save the file, first click File in the Excel menu system designated in yellow below (shows as light green).
45. Then click Save As in the green menu bar on the next screen as designated in yellow below (shows as lighter green).
46. On the Save As screen click the Browse option designated in yellow below.
47. On the Save As window that opens, click on the Save as Type dropdown designated in yellow below.
48. On the dropdown that opens, choose the CSV (comma delimeted) file type as designated in yellow below. Note that there are multiple CSV options present here. Choose the one that says CSV (comma delimited). It is suggested to name the file fwff-tag-pivot-table-output.csv (or pfs-tag-pivot-table-output for the Protect Florida Springs tag workspace). Make sure to save the file in a place on your hard drive where you can easily find it as you will need this file for the import process back in the Zengine system.
49. With your Pivot Table output CSV file saved, you can now proceed back to the Zengine system. When leaving Zengine in step #17 above, you were on the Summary Report View screen as shown below. Make sure you are still here.
50. On this screen click the More tab designated in yellow below.
51. That will open a dropdown. On this dropdown, choose the Final Reviews Report option designated in yellow below.
52. That will take you to the Final Reviews Report data screen shown below, but this screen will say there are no records because you deleted any existing records here at the beginning of this tutorial.
53. On this screen, click the Form Tools button in the upper right corner designated in yellow below.
54. That will open a dropdown. On this dropdown, click the Import option designated in yellow below.
55. On the following screen, click on the Browse button designated in yellow below and then select the Pivot Table output CSV file you just created in Microsoft Excel.
56. If you choose the file correctly, the screen will say “We’ve got your file!” beneath a green checkmark as shown below. On this page, click the blue Continue button to proceed with the importation process.
57. That will lead you to an Almost There page shown below. On this page, you must match up all the fields from the CSV file you are importing with the Final Reviews Form already built into the Zengine system. To properly match up the fields, first look at the Column Name on the far left side. In this example, the first field is FWFF Tag Apps – Admin: Proposal Number. Next click on the dropdown under Field Name on the right side. To match this field, you would choose Proposal Number from the options in the dropdown. Go down the line one field at a time and make sure to define Field Name options in every one of the dropdowns to correspond with the Column Names from the CSV file. Make sure to choose the Folder – Name option for the field to correspond with FWFF Tag Apps – Folder – Name. There is another option that just says Folder. Do not use that one. All the others should be obvious. Each of the reviewer names in the Column Name will have a corresponding Reviewer – Name option in the Field Name dropdown.
58. When you have all Field Name dropdowns completed, then click the blue Continue button at the lower right corner of the screen shown below.
59. Wait patiently while the data processes. When the file import completes you will be taken to a Congrats screen shown below. On this screen, click the View Your Data button designated in yellow below.
60. That will take you to the Final Reviews Report data page shown below.
Updating Final Reviews Report for FWFF tag and PFS tag
1. Start on the Home page shown below.
2. Click on either the Protect Florida Springs or Wildlife Foundation workspace shown in yellow below. For this tutorial, we will use the Wildlife Foundation one. But the process is the same in both workspaces.
3. Opening the workspace will take you to the main data page for that workspace. On this data page, click the More drop-down designated in yellow below.
4. On the drop-down that opens, click Final Reviews Report designated in yellow below.
5. That will take you to the Final Reviews Report for that workspace shown below. This report has all the needed fields from the original Grant Application, a list of all the review scores for each Grant, the total review score for each Grant, along with one additional field to allow an Admin to designate the Final Ranking for each grant.
6. The only field that should be edited from within this report is the Final Ranking field. It is unique to this report. All the other fields are pulled from the Grant Application or completed Reviews. Edits to those fields should be done within the Grant Application or the completed Review. To edit the Final Ranking field, double-click on any of the records in the report. The first record is highlighted in yellow below.
7. That will open the Final Reviews Report form for that record as shown below.
8. On this form, scroll down to the Final Ranking field. It is the last field in the form shown in yellow below. Choose the Final Ranking you wish to give to this Grant Application from the options within the dropdown.
9. After entering the desired Final Ranking, be sure to click on the blue Save button below the form designated in yellow below.
10. After saving your change to the Final Ranking field, click the Back button designated in yellow below to return to the Final Reviews Report.
11. You will want to repeat this process with every record in the report to assign Final Rankings to all Grant Applications.
Generating Cross Division Rankings Report for CWT tag
Generating the Cross Division Rankings Report requires a fair amount of manual work by the admin to populate a new Cross Division Rankings Report form for each Grant Application. This will involve the duplication of some effort from the Reviews forms where field data will need to be copied from Reviews into the Cross Division Rankings Report form. The admin must make the final decision on fields that may have different assessments across different Reviews and must assign the Final Ranking for each Grant Application while performing this task.
1. Start on the Home page shown below.
2. Click on the Conserve Wildlife workspace designated in yellow below.
3. Opening the workspace will take you to the main data page shown below. This page shows all the submitted grant applications within the Conserve Wildlife tag workspace. You will want to keep this page open while also opening the Reviews page in another browser tab so you can easily jump back and forth between tabs.
4. You can open the Reviews page in another browser tab by right clicking the Reviews tab on this page, designated in yellow below, and choose to open it in a new tab.
5. The Reviews page will then open in a new tab as shown below. This page will show all reviews for all Grant Applications. The admin will need to refer to this page when filling out the Cross Division Rankings Report form for each Grant Application.
6. Keep this tab open and now go back to the data page that is still open in the previous tab from above. On the data page, you will need to perform the following steps for every Grant Application present. This tutorial will demonstrate how to do this task on the first Grant Application from start to finish. But then you must repeat these steps until the Cross Division Rankings Report form is populated for every Grant Application. Begin by clicking on the first Grant Application on the data screen designated in yellow below.
7. That will take you to a screen shown below where you can edit the contents of the Grant Application form.
8. On this screen, you want to create a new Cross Division Rankings form as a Linked Record with this Grant Application. To do this, look at the bottom of the right side of the screen where it say Cross Division Rankings. Click the green + sign designated in yellow below to Add a New Cross Division Ranking.
9. You will then be taken to a New Cross Division Ranking form shown below.
On this page, the first field is to provide the Final Cross Division Ranking for this Grant Application. This will actually be a preliminary ranking at this stage of the process and this field will be edited further during board meeting discussion to create the Final Cross Division Ranking.
The next field is the Project Title which you must copy. You can find the Project Title for each Grant Application back on the Reviews tab you left open. Just make sure you use the exact title and make sure the Grant Application you are on corresponds with the title you are providing.
The next field is “Additional Notes”. This is a field provided so the admin can provide any additional notes pertaining to that Grant Application or to the ranking process.
Then all of the remaining fields require the admin to make choices or supply information corresponding to what is in the Reviews for each Grant Application. So for the “Bear Related?” field, the “Cash Match” field, and the “If a previous grant recipient, met grant requirements goals and measures” field, you will want to choose the option that corresponds with the information about each grant provided by the Reviewers in their Reviews. Note that there may be differences of opinion among Reviewers that will have to be resolved by the admin on this step. You will also want to copy and paste the Division Notes field content from the “Division Director Notes on this Grant’s Importance” field back on the Review tab.
Make sure to set the Linked Form field to the option that corresponds with the Project Title.
10. When finished filling out all fields on the New Cross Division Ranking form, make sure to hit the blue Save button in the lower left corner of the page designated in yellow below (shows as green).
11. After saving the New Cross Division Ranking form, you’ll be returned to the Grant Application edit screen. Now you should see a listing under the Cross Division Rankings area in the Linked Records section on the right side. This new listing is designated in yellow below.
12. After confirming the new listing is present in the Cross Division Rankings area, you have completed the process for this Grant Application. You can now return to the main data screen by clicking the Back button in the top left corner of the screen designated in yellow below.
13. Repeat this process for every Grant Application on the main data page. When finished, View Report 4 – Cross Division Rankings View of CWT Grants will be ready. You can then proceed to the next tutorial.
View Report 4 – Cross Division Rankings View of CWT Grants
1. Start on the main data page for the Conserve Wildlife tag workspace shown below.
2. Click the More tab designated in yellow below.
3. That will open a dropdown. In the dropdown, choose the Cross Division Rankings option designated In yellow below.
4. That will take you to the Cross Division Rankings page shown below.
5. On this page, click the View dropdown designated in yellow below.
6. On the dropdown, click the Report 4 – Final Report option designated in yellow below.
7. That will take you to the Report 4 – Final Report page shown below. This report shows all Grant Applications sorted by the Final Cross Division Ranking field. It also shows the relevant information from Reviews that was manually copied into the Cross Division Ranking form in the previous tutorial. Division Notes and Additional Notes from the admin are also included.
Updating Cross Division Rankings Report for CWT tag
1. To change the final rankings from the Cross Division Rankings Report, merely click on whichever record you would like to change. The first record is shown in yellow below.
2. That will take you to a page to edit the Cross Division Rankings form for that record shown below. This is the same form as when you created the New Cross Division Rankings form in a previous tutorial. At this stage, it is likely that the only field you need to be concerned with is the Final Cross Division Ranking designated in yellow below. Adjust that field as needed.
3. When finished with any edits to this form, make sure to click the blue Save button in the lower left corner of the page designated in yellow below (shows as green).
4. After saving the form, click the Back button designated in yellow below to return to the Cross Division Rankings Report.
5. Change rankings by repeating the steps above as needed for any other Grant Applications to achieve the desired Final Rankings.